Slow Beauty and 7 mantras for it

Slow Beauty? What is that? Before understanding slow beauty, you must answer a few questions.

Have you ever bought those beauty or skin care products that you never actually used more than once?

Are you also guilty of throwing out the beauty products without using them because they just expired?

If you can relate to this, then read on. You have come to the right place.

You all must have heard about fast fashion and how it leads to us buying things that we don’t really use or use only once or twice which then goes in the landfill. The same thing is happening with the beauty industry but no one is talking about it. As opposed to fast beauty which is buying trendy products, every year a new miracle oil comes. Opposed to that slow beauty means sticking to the products that work for you. Example: If this miracle oil (Cold Pressed Coconut Oil) suits your skin and hair and works wonders for you, then instead of just switching it out to a new miracle product, you should just stick to it and use the best quality virgin coconut oil so that it gives you more nourishment and more benefits.

In this, you look at what you need rather than just following something trendy. In 2019 a study published by Mint showed that an average woman used 16 products on her face. Every product contains a minimum of 10 ingredients. That means you are using 160 ingredients on your face and hair every day. We at Rainforest believe it doesn’t have to be this complicated.

The Reason why Fast beauty is not so good choice

There are two primary reasons which make fast beauty a not so desirable choice at the end of the day.

Environment damage

With the ever-changing beauty and skincare products market, trends keep on changing. It leads to wastage of all the products that would have been trending recently. A study by Vogue business showed that around 20 – 40% of products, depending on category end up as waste. Imagine the pollution it would cause! Apart from that, animal testing is another major issue that is causing harm to the environment.

Personal Skin damage

How many times have we purchased a product that we didn’t even need? In a rush to try exciting beauty products we forget about what our skin wants. This might cause serious damage to our precious skin. Fast beauty products fascinate us by making us believe in an illusion that these skincare products would beautify our skin, whereas they may be the real culprits for spoiling our skin in the first place.

Slow beauty is the way ahead

2 things that show slow beauty is the way ahead and will soon replace the harmful and wasteful fast beauty. These points cover the aspects both in terms of budget and in terms of health.

Slow Beauty reduces skincare issues

Fast beauty makes us use a lot of products on our skin and hair. It might cause damage to our skin which can lead to adverse effects (wrinkles, acne for people with sensitive skin, breakouts, dry and itchy scalp, and skin. With slow beauty, one will look at products that suit their skin and hair.

Slow Beauty is Budget-friendly

When you buy exactly what you use, you end up using the products consciously, becoming a conscious buyer, and also decreasing the amount of waste or the amount of pollution created which in turn helps you save money as well as have better skin and hair conditions.

Mantras/Tips for Slow Beauty

Here are the 7 tricks or mantras that will help you move towards slow beauty. Following these 7 tricks will help you move towards a pure and a healthy life.

1. Know your skin type

You first need to understand what your skin wants, whether you have dry skin, oily skin, and sensitive skin. If you have some doubts about it, you can write to our beauty expert to know what your skin type is and what suits your skin at

2. Be Patient

Be patient and consistent. When you know a product works for you then have faith and give it at least 21-30 days so that you can see a visible impact. If not, then you may switch the product.
Note: always do a test patch on your arm before using it on your face.

3. Learn about your products

Even the best skincare products won’t be able to perform if you don’t understand how to use them. Learn about the product and its correct application. This would help in the product becoming effective and useful for you.

4. Start Re-purchasing

If you observe the fashion industry closely, you would note that every year a new miracle oil or a trendy product comes into the market. It has a life span of 18 months – 2 years and then another miracle product comes. Don’t fall for these trends and beauty and skincare products, stick to what suits you. Try these miracle products if you wish to but don’t fall for them.

5. Learn what is trending

You should always know your opponent’s next move. Once you know what is in trend, you can be on guard against the same rather than falling into the trap of fast beauty and trendy products.

6. Know your lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is a must for glowing skin. If you drink a lot of caffeine, your body will get dehydrated and your dark circles will become more obvious. If your job requires you to go out a lot, then your hair will get frizzy. If you know your lifestyle, then you can make a conscious choice. If you can’t give up on caffeine, then you have to use under-eye cream. If you have to beat frizzy hair, you need to moisturize your hair regularly. Understanding your lifestyle and then purchasing is the better option

7. Healthy Living

If you don’t have a healthy lifestyle or you don’t have a good sleep cycle. Then even the best of beauty or skincare products won’t do any wonders. Following a healthy lifestyle will keep your body and skin glowing and your hair quality won’t get compromised.
Think of the products that your grandparents or great-grandparents would use. Don’t they have flawless skin even at this age? Think about it every time you purchase a new trending product in the market.

Slow beauty is the way ahead. End of the day it is important to see what suits you. Joining the circus of fast beauty might be thrilling right now, but in the long term, slow beauty is the way ahead. Choose wisely before it is too late!

You can also check out our natural hair care and skincare products at:
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