Know Your Skin Type: A Guide to Flawless, Healthy Skin.

Understanding your skin is the first step towards achieving Flawless, Healthy Skin. The main skin types to consider include dry, oily, combination, normal, acne-prone, and sensitive skin. Let’s look at each of them in detail, find out the signs you can look for, their advantages, skin-care focus areas and our recommendations for the same.


Normal skin is a blessing in disguise, as it is the perfect combination of not too oily or dry. Both moisture and sebum levels are well balanced, leading to fine pores, good blood circulation and an even skin tone. Even the occasional breakout or period of dryness go away quickly.

Signs you have Normal Skin:

  • You have little pores along the T-zone
  • You rarely experience breakouts
  • You experience a slight oily shine at the end of the day
  • You rarely are sensitive to products

Advantages of this skin type: This is a skin jackpot. Almost all formulations/ ingredients will work well for you. 

Focus Areas: Maintain your healthy skin with a good skincare routine of Cleansing, Toning, Moisturising and Protection.


Dry skin is a skin type that can feel tight, brittle, or even rough at times. With a lack of natural oil production, Skin elasticity tends to be low, leading to patchiness or itchiness. 

Signs you have dry skin:

  • You have very few visible pores and blackheads
  • You have flaky or rough skin
  • Your skin constantly feels tight or itchy
  • You don’t experience any oil/shine

Advantages of this skin type: You have small pores, and you don’t have to deal with oily skin/ blemishes/ acne/ blackheads etc.

Focus Areas: Hydration, Moisture and Nourishment. Use oil-based products with high moisture content to support a healthier barrier function.

Add Natural humectants to your lifestyle (Humectants are ingredients or products that draw moisture from the environment and into your skin). We highly recommend using The Rainforest 100% Pure Rosewater. Adding this to your skincare routine will ensure your skin is well hydrated, Followed by an oil-based nourishing cream/face oil.

The Rainforest Virgin Coconut Oil is an excellent moisturizer with tons of nourishing power. When applied on the face, it helps the skin hydrate, moisturize, seal moisture into the skin and heal. The Rainforest Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is Pure, Cold-pressed, Unrefined oil extracted from Organic Coconut of Coimbatore, India. The ancient Cold-process method retains all the vital nutrients and natural goodness of fresh coconuts. No added preservative/ Fragrance – Only Natural 100% Pure Oil.


Oily skin has a persistent shine to it due to the skin’s tendency to overproduce sebum, especially around the areas of your face and neck. The excess oil production can clog your pores or make them appear enlarged, leading to breakouts and acne. A common skin concern for oily skin is often comedones such as blackheads and whiteheads, which occur due to the accumulation of dead cells, dirt and oil in the pores. 

Signs you have oily or acne-prone skin:

  • You frequently experience breakouts and blackheads
  • You have enlarged pores across the face
  • You experience an Oily shine/ residue
  • You are currently experiencing a breakout

Advantages of this skin type: Your skin Naturally has lots of oil to protect your barrier function, and you will look youthful for longer.

Focus areas: Cleansing is essential to break down oil residue. Use mild cleansers and lighter cream/oils. 

The Rainforest Pure Jojoba Oil is non-comedogenic oil, closest to the natural sebum produced by our skin. Thus, it is easily absorbed and penetrates the deepest layers of the skin/scalp, making it great for oily skin/scalp. Jojoba oil is known to trick the skin’s oil production into producing lesser oil, balancing the excess oil production and leading to healthy acne-free skin. A miracle oil for oily, acne-prone and sensitive skin. The Rainforest Jojoba Oil is 100% Pure, Cold-pressed, Unrefined oil. The ancient Cold-process method retains all the vital nutrients and natural goodness. No added preservative/ Fragrance – Only Natural 100% Pure Oil.


Combination skin, as the name suggests, is a combination of Dry and Oily Skin. The oilier parts of the skin are caused due to an overproduction of sebum, whereas the drier parts lack sebum and essential lipids. 

Signs you have combination skin:

  • You have visible pores and oil around T-zone (forehead, nose) but rough and dry patches elsewhere.
  • Your skin is indecisive. You have to deal with flaky, dry patches and acne simultaneously.

Focus areas: Understand your skin closely and use different ingredients for different places to achieve optimal skin balance.


Sensitiveness is not a type of skin but more like a skin condition. You can have any skin type (as mentioned above) and have a Sensitive Skin condition. For some people, it may be permanent, and for most others, it may get triggered by internal/ external factors like hormonal imbalance, pollutants, harsh chemicals or specific ingredients.

Signs you have sensitive skin

  • Your skin burns or itches when exposed to a certain product or environment
  • Your skin turns red easily

Focus areas: Use mild/ natural-based products which are slightly acidic/ have a balanced pH. Avoid using any products with added fragrances/colours/ abrasive scrubs.

Each of us is unique and so is our Skincare requirement. Understanding your skin type is the first step towards achieving flawless, healthy skin.

At The Rainforest, All our products are 100% PURE, freshly made with no added preservatives/ fragrance/colour/ any other chemical formulation.

We are committed to high quality, and therefore our products are ethically sourced, maintain high nutrient value and are packaged with hygiene so that you receive all of Nature’s Goodness.



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